man beside man

You’ve seen the workout pictures, but F3 is much more than that. We do not show up at F3 for ourselves. We show up for the man standing beside each of us. We have the opportunity to change Martin County and the trajectory of our families. Getting in the best shape of your life is just a by product – personal growth is the ultimate goal.



We welcome men of all fitness levels to our workouts and have no requirement for membership other than that you show up at the appointed time and place and follow what the workout leader (the “Q” in F3 lingo) does.

Every F3 Workout has 5 Core Principles:

  • Free of Charge
  • Open to All Men
  • Held Outdoors
  • Peer Led
  • Ends with a Circle of Trust

At F3 MarCo NC, we meet Tuesdays at 5:30AM for a Beatdown, Wednesdays at 5:30AM for Walking Tall (light walking and stretching for those interested in getting started), Thursdays at 5:30AM for “Thursdays are for Rucking” (weighted pack workouts and walking), and Saturdays at 7:00AM for a longer Beatdown with Giddy Up coffee afterwards.  All at the Riverside High School Track (bus lot on Saturdays).


Fellowship is a critical part of making men into leaders.  We need other men in our lives on a consistent basis to show us how to live.  F3 MarCo NC strives to make meeting together a priority.  During this current pandemic, it’s difficult to find anywhere in public that’s open for fellowship events.  In light of that, we are actively trying to schedule time at the homes of our members to make this “F2” time possible!


Faith is critical to our mission at F3 MarCo NC.  We desire to develop men that can lead their families well, and share their faith wherever they are.  Fitness and Fellowship help us bond and build friendships, but Faith is the glue that will continue to hold us together long after the others are gone.

Join Us for Bible Study

  • Monday mornings at 5:30AM (currently at the mulipurpose building at Williamston Memorial Baptist Church)

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Copyright F3 Nation - All "F3, Fitness, Fellowship, and Faith references belong to F3 Nation